
Choosing a book title (and why it’s hard)

  • 18 November 2013
Choosing a book title (and why it’s hard)

image: www.google.com.au

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing…

I’m in the process of choosing a book title for my story. Learning more about choosing a title hasn’t made it any easier, in fact the more knowledge I have of what supposedly makes a great book title, the harder it becomes to choose one. read more...

Who is Kep Lagrange, and why is he blogging?

  • 23 October 2013
Who is Kep Lagrange, and why is he blogging?

image: www.americaspace.com

Hi, I’m Kep Lagrange. Welcome to the launch of my website and my very first blog post. Ever.

This is exciting for me, but also a little dull – after all, at the time of writing this:

  • no-one visits my site (yet)
  • no-one has heard of me (yet)

…which brings me to this post’s title. Who is Kep Lagrange? read more...